All students enrolled in the Duke University Graduate School must participate in a required number of hours of Responsible Conduct of Research training before they can graduate.


All Ph.D. and master's students must complete all RCR requirements before the deadlines below. This means you can complete an RCR forum up to this date if you are graduating in this term:

Summer 2023Aug 2, 2023
Fall 2023Nov 27, 2023
Spring 2024 Apr 17, 2024

Note that transcript credit may take some time to appear for RCR events. The deadlines above are for you to complete all required training; the transcript notation will follow.  

To see if you have fulfilled the RCR requirement, go to DukeHub > Planning > My Academic Requirements > Run your Advisement Report. More information on checking your RCR progress. All RCR credits are posted on your official Duke transcript after you attend RCR training events (this process may take several weeks).


The required hours of RCR training differ depending on your degree:

 PhD Students in Basic Medical SciencesAll Other PhD StudentsMaster's Students

BIOTRAIN750: 4 hours

GS714: 2 hours
GS715: 2 hours
GS714: 2 hours
GS715: 2 hours
Ongoing training

BIOTRAIN751: 4 hours
BIOTRAIN 753: 2 hours
BIOTRAIN 754: 4 hours
GS71*: 2 hours
GS71*: 2 hours

GS71*: 2 hours
GS71*: 2 hours
GS71*: 2 hours
GS71*: 2 hours
GS71*: 2 hours
Total Hours18126

*  – Any RCR Forum

Detailed Description

Ph.D. Students in Basic Medical Sciences

(See list of programs that fall under basic medical sciences)

RCR training for Ph.D. students in the basic medical sciences is administered by the Office of Biomedical Gradaute Education. For more detailed information, questions or contact regarding this, please refer to OBGE RCR. Ph.D. students in basic medical sciences must complete:

  • BIOTRAIN754 (GS713) AND
  • 2 RCR forums

If you started your Ph.D. program before fall 2020, you must complete:

  • Orientation (GS710A) AND
  • BIOTRAIN754 (GS713) AND
  • 1 RCR Forum

All Other Ph.D. Students

  • Orientation (GS714 + GS715) AND
  • 4 additional RCR forums

If you started your Ph.D. program before fall 2020, you must complete:

  • Orientation (GS710) AND     
  • 3 additional RCR forums AND
  • 1 GS711 "correction forum" automatically added in fall 2020

Master's Students

  • Orientation (GS714 + GS715) AND
  • 1 additional RCR Forum