Completion of the RCR requirement will be monitored by The Graduate School and documented on each student’s university transcript. To check your own records to see what RCR you have credit for, and what requirements still need to be fulfilled, follow these steps:
- Log into Duke Hub.
- Click on Academics in the left pane.
- Click on Degree Progress.
- Note that you can expand/collapse details of your RCR Requirements on the right.
Please allow sufficient time after any RCR training event for information to be compiled in The Graduate School, submitted to the registrar, and entered onto your official university transcript. All credit is entered after the completion of the event, and this process may take until the end of the academic term. (Note that registration for RCR events is not in DukeHub. Registration links are in the event descriptions: Orientation; Forums.)
Staff and Faculty
For staff and faculty who have SISS access, you can find your students’ RCR status using this query:
Running Queries in PeopleSoft (PDF)

Transcript Numbers
RCR credits will be displayed on students' transcripts as:
- GS705 Master's orientation (old number)
- GS710 PhD orientation (old number)
- GS710A Basic Med Sciences (BMS) PhD orientation (old number)
- GS711 Gradaute School RCR Forum (old number)
- GS712 Departmental or library RCR Forum (old number)
- GS713 OBGE year 3-4 summer course (old number, now BIOTRAIN754)
- GS714 Academic Integrity & Misconduct (required beginning Fall 2020 for non-BMS)
- GS715 Diversity & Inclusion in a Research Environment (required beginning Fall 2020 for non-BMS)
- GS716 Mentoring & Wellness
- GS717 Best Practices in Responsible Scholarship
- BIOTRAIN750 Intro to RCR
- BIOTRAIN751 Responsible scientist
- BIOTRAIN753 Data Management and quality
- BIOTRAIN754 Responsible Scientist II
- BIOTRAIN755 Responsible Scientist TAship (Forum option for BMS)
- In October 2020, The Graduate School updated RCR programming, and as part of this process, renamed/renumbered RCR forums. At that point, all non-basic medical science PhD students who'd completed GS710 as RCR orientation (and would need to complete three additional forums to fulfill graduation requirements) received credit for RCR711.99 RCR Correction. This allowed the advisement system in DukeHub to work equally well for them and for students matriculating in Fall 2020 who took a different orientation (GS714 & GS715) and were required to take four additional forums in addition to the new orientation. In short, this correction allowed DukeHub to track all non-BMS PhD students the with the same gradaution requirements: orientation + four forums.
- Beginning Fall 2018, RCR events are notated with 0 (zero) credits and a - (dash) grade to avoid confusion with regular, credit-bearing classes. If an RCR forum/orientation appears on a student's transcript with zero credits and a dash grade, it is still valid towards the degree requirement.