Cultivating a Culture of Mentoring
Mentoring is vital to graduate students’ success, and The Graduate School is committed to cultivating a culture of mentoring in graduate education at Duke. Students with strong mentoring relationships are more productive, more involved in the campus community, and more satisfied with their graduate school experience. Mentoring support ensures that students will be well trained, successfully complete their degrees, and obtain promising job opportunities.
These webpages serve as a resource to help students and faculty become equal partners in the mentoring process. It shares successful strategies of accomplished faculty mentors at Duke and promotes the development of strong mentoring relationships for all students in The Graduate School. For graduate students, it is a starting point toward developing a network of mentors. For faculty, it is a resource and guide on serving as mentors for graduate students.
Video: A Good Mentor Is ...
In constructing these webpages on mentoring for faculty, staff, and students, Duke has benefited enormously from other institutions with well-established mentoring programs. We wish to acknowledge the following resources that contributed to the building of this site: