The Duke Graduate School developed the Cultivating a Culture of Mentoring Toolkit to provide the resources that faculty, students, and staff need to conduct successful workshops on good practices for mentoring graduate students. It can be adapted to a variety of settings for small and large groups.

In the Toolkit

  • Workshop guidelines
  • Talking-point cards
  • Mentoring vignettes
  • Discussion questions
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Link to mentoring video

Download the Toolkit

If you are interested in doing a mentoring workshop, we invite you to download a complimentary digital copy of our toolkit. We just ask that you do two things:

1. Send us some feedback: What worked?

What worked? What didn’t work?  How can we improve the toolkit?

2. Pass it on.

After your workshop, share the toolkit with other colleagues (faculty, student, or staff) to run a workshop and ask them to pass it on when finished. Let us know whom you have shared it with, so we can follow up.

Yes. If you would like to propose Responsible Conduct of Research credit for a department, program, or campus center-run mentoring workshop using this toolkit, please follow these directions. Your proposal should be sent to for approval at least two weeks before the event. After the event, the list of participants should be sent to The Graduate School using the provided template.

This toolkit was created for the Duke University Graduate School community with the belief that mentoring is an essential component of student success. Our aim is to empower members of the graduate community to become partners in the mentoring process, making it a deeply rooted part of the Duke experience.

To create the toolkit, The Graduate School staff

  • analyzed the profiles of faculty and students who have received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring,
  • examined surveys that assess students’ needs,
  • gathered feedback on faculty perspectives,
  • reviewed current research,
  • learned about initiatives at peer institutions,
  • hosted conversations with members of the community about the importance of mentoring, and
  • piloted the toolkit over three years with three cohorts of first-year graduate students.

We condensed what we learned into this toolkit, which is designed to be a resource for faculty, students, and staff who want to promote good mentoring practices.

Got more questions about the toolkit?
