While The Graduate School provides centralized training via the RCR orientations and ongoing RCR forums, we fully support any RCR-related training initiatives led by other departments, programs, or campus centers. However, The Graduate School must review other proposed RCR-type training events in advance in order to determine whether participants will receive official Graduate School RCR credit.
We request that any faculty or staff who plan or develop RCR-type training initiatives (e.g., guest speakers on research ethics, specialized training in relation to a campus center) coordinate that event with The Graduate School. If you would like for us to review an upcoming RCR-type training event, please refer to these directions and request form, which you should send to grad-rcr@duke.edu at least two weeks before the event. After the event, the list of participants should be sent to The Graduate School using this template.
Developing Your Own RCR Event
Faculty members, librarians, center directors or other appropriate personnel at Duke can propose an RCR event. Approved events will appear on students’ transcripts as a GS course. The request for credit, facilitation of events and reporting of PhD student attendance all have to be done by the faculty or staff whose signature(s) appear on the following proposal pages. Graduate students are welcome to participate as active collaborators in this process, but there must be faculty/staff oversight & responsibility for each step.
Complete the request form (PDF) and any supporting materials via email at least two weeks before the event.
Supporting materials can include:
- Outline of any presentations
- Basic biographical information for any featured speakers
- Resources that may be used (case studies, web resources, slide decks, etc.)
We strongly recommend that you use a pre-event registration process to collect participants’ NetIDs and can provide a Qualtrics template for this purpose. Please let The Graduate School know if you’d like your event listed on The Graduate School's RCR page. Note that this may increase your attendance significantly; please discuss this option with The Graduate School if you are not sure.
Please submit the following to grad-rcr@duke.edu:
- An Excel spreadsheet based on the Graduate School RCR Credit Template (Excel). Note this requires the Duke NetIDs of each participant.
- Electronic (PDF) copies of any handouts, materials, or resources used.
- Any evaluation forms provided to graduate students or a summary of responses from any evaluation mechanisms.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for The Graduate School and Office of the University Registrar to process and award transcript credit.
Online RCR Training
While some universities and organizations use online modules for RCR training, at Duke we support a more interactive, personal conversation and discussion with a representative group of your peers, faculty, or other research professionals. While The Graduate School plans to develop and use certain modules as preparation for training events, we think face-to-face discussion of such issues is a vital component of RCR training and your professional development. We consider the best practice in RCR education to be active thinking and discussion about realistic scenarios that might surface in the context of conducting research in your field of knowledge.
ASIST RCR for Graduate Students
Duke's Advancing Scientific Integrity, Services, and Training (ASIST) office provides RCR training for faculty and staff. Many of those events are also available for graduate student RCR credit as well, as long as you are enrolled (i.e., in classes or continuation) in the term it is offered. These ASIST events typically earn credit for GS714. Learn more and register.