
Charles Gersbach
CBTE Program Coordinator
3377 CIEMAS, Box 90271
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0281
(919) 613-5737



Application Deadlines

Program Description

The University Program in Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering is a multidisciplinary certificate program that integrates activities in engineering, the life sciences, and medicine. The participating faculty are from the departments of Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Radiation Oncology, and Surgery. The program emphasizes research, graduate education and interactions with industry. The research focus of the program is the interaction of proteins, cells and tissues with materials and drugs in natural biological processes, and in the medical diagnosis and therapy. A NIGMS biotechnology training grant offers stipends, tuition, and fees to a number of BTE pre-doctoral students.


List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees