Student Highlights
In honor of the recent commencement weekend ceremonies, this month’s student highlights focus on awards and honors that students who graduated this year earned throughout their graduate career at Duke.
University Honors
William J. Griffith University Service Award
2009 – Wakoh Shannon Hickey, Religion
Graduate School Honors
Dean’s Awards for Excellence in Mentoring
2009 – Joseph Owen Sexton, Ecology
2008 – Julianne Marie Yost, Chemistry
2007 – Adam Hartstone-Rose, Biological Anthropoloy and Anatomy
Dean’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching
2008 – Erin Gentry Lamb, English
2007 – Lisa Ann Cavanaugh, Business Administration
Awards by Department
Art, Art History, and Visual Studies
Octavian Esanu
2008 – Katherine A. Stern Dissertation Year Fellowship (2008-09)
2006 – Summer Research Fellowship, Graduate School of Duke University
2005 – The Tinker Field Research Grant, Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Duke University
2005 – Provost’s Pre-Dissertation Summer Research Fellowship, European Studies Program. Duke University
2004 – Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Summer Internship at Duke University Museum of Art
David Lee Des Marais
2007 Fitch Prize from the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
Business Administration
Albert E. Mannes
Fellow, Program for Advanced Research in the Social Sciences
Sarah G. Moore
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellowship
Classical Studies
Bart Huelsenbeck
2007 Julian Price Fellowship
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thomas Henry Hand
2006 Charles R. Vail Graduate Student Teaching Award
Lauren Patrice Battle
2002-2004 James B. Duke Graduate Fellowship
Abele Award for Academic Excellence
Kelly Marie Kennington
2008 – Bass Instructorship
2007 – Special Collections Library Reference Internship and Fellowship
2006 – Julian Price Endowed Dissertation Research Fellowship
2006 – Summer Research Fellowship
2004 – Anne Firor Scott Research Award
Alejandro Velasco
2006 – Hampshire College, Five College Fellow
2004 – Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship
2004 – American Historical Association, Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research on the History of the Western Hemisphere
2001 – Ford Foundation, Summer Research Fellow
Medical Physics
Jessica Lee Nute (MS graduate)
Award for Excellence in Academic Performance in the 2007-08 Academic Year
Maryann Ozidu Abogunde (MS graduate)
Award for Excellence in Research in the 2008-09 Academic Year
Best Student Paper Award, from NC Chapter of Health Physics Society in 2009
Sherry Allison Leeper (MS graduate)
Exemplary Service Award in the 2008-09 Academic Year
Lei Ren (PhD graduate)
Award for Excellence in Research in the 2007-08 Academic Year
Todd Hershberger
William Klenz Prize in Music Composition
Sherilynn Joy Black
Duke Endowment Award
Duke University Community Service Award
Arwen Long
Aleane Webb Dissertation Research Award
Matthew Ryan Kiser
Henry W. Newson Fellowship
Qiang Ye
Henry W. Newson Fellowship
Psychology & Neuroscience
Mathias S. Fleck
National Institutes of Health National Research Service Award
Elesha Joy Coffman
Kearns Fellowship
Jennifer Elaine Copeland
James C. Baker Graduate Award
Allan Burry Award
Wakoh Shannon Hickey
Mellon Fellowship
Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship
David Un-Hsien Liu
Rotary Cultural Ambassadorship to Israel
Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies Dissertation Fellowship
Mellon Graduate Fellowship at the Franklin Humanities Institute
Matthew Schlimm
John Dempster Fellowship
John Wesley Fellowship
Chad Scott Spigel
Rabbi Nathan Perilman Fellowship
Romance Studies
Mary Ann LaMarca
2004 Named Instructorship
Scott Matthew Kushner
2007 Stern Dissertation Year Fellowship
Micah R. True
Duke Endowment Award
2008 Stern Dissertation Year Fellowship
2006 Presidential Endowment
In honor of the recent commencement weekend ceremonies, this month’s student highlights focus on awards and honors that students who graduated this year earned throughout their graduate career at Duke. University Honors William J. Griffith University Service Award 2009 – Wakoh Shannon Hickey, Religion Graduate School Honors Dean’s Awards for Excellence in Mentoring 2009 – […] pbess order => 1. sidebar =>
Current Student Highlights
Duke graduate and professional students Patrick Elliot Alexander (English), Wallis Clinton Baxter III (Duke Divinity School), and Reginald Dewight Patterson (Romance Studies) were accepted to present a panel entitled Education as Liberation: Re-conceptualizing Learning Experiences through African American and Creole Literatures at the annual conference of the College Language Association (CLA) on March 25-29th, 2009 in Cambridge, Maryland.
Alexis Franzese (Psychology and Neuroscience as well as Ph.D. '07 in Sociology) received national recognition in the April edition of Working Mothers magazine.
Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman (Sociology) received a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for the 2009-2010 academic year from the Duke Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies with funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education. This funding will allow her to conduct overseas dissertation research in Brazil. (She also recived two other fellowship, one of them the ASA Minority Fellowship Program sponsored by the NIMH.)
Tamisha Dawn Navarro (Cultural Anthropology) and Victor Ray (Sociology) received Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships for 2009. This nationally competitive fellowship is open to graduate students in any discipline and provides three years of funding towards the PhD. The fellowship is awarded to students pursuing productive ways to implement issues of diversity into their teaching and research.
Danielle Terazzas Williams (History) was recently awarded a Fulbright Fellowship. Her project will examine how free African-descended women with wealth navigated 17th-century central Veracruz. This study offers a more inclusive history of the socio-racial atmosphere of seventeenth-century Veracruz and challenges what we know about the influence of African-descended people in community networks, regional economies, and the cultural landscapes of Mexico.