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Graduate Student Updates, August 2014


  • Three continuing doctoral students have received NSF predoctoral fellowships: Melanie Short of the Roizen lab, Zeenat Razvi of the Franz lab, and Jessica Reel of the Widenhoefer lab. In addition, two new doctoral students—George Bullard and Christopher Reyes—also received the fellowship.

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  • Third-year PhD students Adegoke Ojewole and Peter Tonner received NSF fellowships.
  • CBB Alumni Kyle Roberts won the best-poster award at the conference ISMB 3Dsig in Boston.
  • Four PhD students defended their dissertations: Anastasia Deckared, Michael Mayhew, Galip Gurkan Yardimci, and Diana Fusco.

MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts

  • MFA|EDA student Anna Kipervaser received a Summer 2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship from the Duke University Middle East Studies Center to study intensive Arabic at Qalam wa Lawh in Morocco.

Political Science

  • Joseph “Seth” Cantey Jr. received his PhD in political science and the Duke-UNC Graduate Certificate in Middle East Studies.
  • PhD student Phillip Parnell received a Summer 2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship from the Duke University Middle East Studies Center studied intensive Arabic at ALIF in Morocco.

Public Policy

  • The following students defended their dissertations this year:
    • Katherine Duch (currently a senior analyst at the Analyst Institute in Washington, DC)
    • Sara Pilzer Weiss (currently a postdoctoral research scholar at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation)
    • Catherine Herrold (currently an assistant professor of philanthropic studies at Indiana University’s School of Philanthropy)
  • PhD student Ying Shi won the Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting on Economic Sciences Graduate Student Award. She will attend the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting in Germany as one of the top 500 young scientists from around the world.
  • PhD student Amy Finnegan won a Critical Languages Scholarship from the United States State Department. She used the award this summer to study Indonesian, which will help her with her research on maternal mortality and maternal child health in Indonesia.
  • PhD student Bryan Groves published an article in the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies titled “ US Democracy, a Net Positive for Foreign Policy.”
  • PhD student Marina Gorsuch coauthored an article with Seth Sanders, a professor of economics and public policy, and Bei Wu, a professor of nursing and global health. The article will be published in the American Journal of Public Health and is titled “Tooth Loss in Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta Relative to Other Regions in the United States, 1999–2010.”


  • MA students Kiah Glenn and Daniel Spisak received the Summer 2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship from the Duke University Middle East Studies Center. Glenn spent her summer studying intensive Arabic at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, while Spisak studied intensive Arabic at the Arabic Language Institute in Fez, Morocco.

Romance Studies

  • PhD student Rachel Rothendler received a Summer 2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship from the Duke University Middle East Studies Center to study intensive Arabic at the Arabic Language Institute in Fez, Morocco.


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