The Tech-Savvy Job Search
Monday, September 11, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Perkins 217
Dr. Hugh Crumley, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to use an RSS aggregator to simultaneously collect search results from hundreds of job posting sites, including the Chronicle of Higher Education and many other well-established, reputable sources of academic job postings (it really is much more efficient than getting email alerts.) Bring your laptop. Lunch will be provided.
The TeACHING statement
Monday, October 2, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Perkins 217
Dr. Hugh Crumley, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
A teaching portfolio is more than a collection of documents: it is set of claims about your teaching and evidence to support them. In this workshop, you will examine how claims and evidence can be framed in way that allows you demonstrate your skill (or potential) as a university instructor in a teaching statement supported by materials created by you (such as videos, handouts and student assignments). Lunch will be provided.
Structuring the classroom for inclusive teaching
Monday, October 23, 11:30 to 1:30 pm, Perkins 217
Dr. Kelly Hogan, Assistant Dean for Instructional Innovation, UNC-Chapel Hill
Dr. Viji Sathy, Teaching Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, UNC-Chapel Hill
In this interactive workshop, Dr. Kelly Hogan and Dr. Viji Sathy will highlight the need for high course structure and model techniques designed to elicit equity in the classroom. This event is sponsored by the Center for Instructional Technology, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) COMPASS, The Graduate School, and the Teaching for Equity Fellows Program. Lunch will be provided.
Searching for fertile ground: The Role of Personal Values in Influencing PhD Career Interests and Diversifying the STEM Workforce
Tuesday, November 14, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Perkins 217
Dr. Johnna Frierson, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion for Pratt School of Engineering
Today's STEM workforce offers a plethora of options for graduates to consider upon PhD completion. Interestingly, the declining availability of faculty positions combined with the expansion of job opportunities resulted in a waning interest in academic careers. However, PhD graduates from underrepresented groups are disproportionately choosing to pursue careers outside of academia, and the underlying reasons for these disparate patterns are not well understood. In this workshop, we discuss some of the literature and potential best practices that address these dynamics. Lunch will be provided.
what is a provost? and other questions about working in academia that you were afraid to ask
Tuesday, January 30, 12:00 to 1:00 pm, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Room 249)
Dr. Molly Goldwasser, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost
Whether you’re interviewing for faculty positions or considering a career in academic administration, understanding institutional structure and the roles within it is critical to your success. If you’ve ever wondered about the difference between academic affairs and student affairs or contemplated the distinction between department chairs and department heads, then join us for this presentation and conversation. Lunch will be provided.
re-publishing: publishing as pedagogy
Thursday, February 22, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Bostock 127
Mattia Begali (Romance Studies)
Sandra Sotello-Miller (Thompson Writing Program)
Aria Chernik (SSRI/OSPRI)
Erika Weinthal (Nicholas School of the Environment)
Amanda Starling Gould (PhD recipient, Comparative Literature)
An increasing number of instructors are using publishing as a pedagogical tool: by encouraging students to make their work public and usable by others (from blog posts and Wikipedia entries to apps and open-source tools), they introduce opportunities for acquiring new literacies -- publishing, visual, digital. At the same time, the public nature of these works raises important questions about student authorship, copyright, privacy, and responsibility. We will explore these and other questions with our panelists to discuss how publishing tools and the act of creating public-facing works in the classroom change our approach to teaching.
Responding to Race: College presidents and the civil rights movement
Monday, March 26, 11:00 to 12:30 pm, Perkins 217
Dr. Eddie R. Cole, Assistant Professor of Higher Education, College of William and Mary
College presidents were at the center of student demonstrations and desegregation efforts during the civil rights era. At that time, much like today, the complicated intersection of race and higher education spoke directly to what it meant to be an American citizen. In this workshop, with a particular focus on the early 1960s, Eddie R. Cole will discuss how college presidents addressed racial unrest on college campuses. In doing so, Dr. Cole will illuminate what can be learned from the past and applied in today's social and political environment. Lunch will be provided.
Developing an online presence with portfolios
Monday, April 2, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Perkins 217
Dr. Hugh Crumley, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
An electronic web-based professional portfolio is far more practical, portable and more easily kept current than a paper binder for graduate students to be visible to potential employers (such as faculty search committees). In this hands-on session, Dr. Hugh Crumley will explore the elements of an online portfolio that can include embedded video, links to your teaching materials and consistent navigation that will help search committees review your position applications. You will also look into acquiring your own domain name to professionally brand yourself and prepare to enter a job search. Bring your laptop. Lunch is provided.