Fall 2009

Sept. 8“TA Survival Skills”
 Experienced TAs will share tips and practical strategies to make the most from any TA opportunity.
Speakers:Panel of Duke Graduate Students and Staff
 Greg Bonito (Biology); Lane Destro (Sociology/Anthropology); Jayme Johnson (Genetics & Genomics); Adriana Samper (Business Admin.), Erica Tsai (Biology); Dr. Doug James & Dr. Hugh Crumley (The Graduate School)
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Sept. 22"Evaluating Critical Thinking: What every instructor needs to know"
 Undergraduates should develop critical thinking skills -- what does that mean, and how can we assess it.
Speaker:Dr. Ed Neal, Former Director of Faculty Development, UNC Center for Teaching & Learning; Editor, Journal of Faculty Development
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Oct. 13“Responding Efficiently and Effectively to Student Writing Assignments”
 Giving feedback on written assignments can be challenging; learn ways to make it constructive.
Speaker:Dr. Cary Moskovitz, Director, Writing in the Disciplines, Thompson Writing Program
Location:Graduate School, 1st floor Conference Room; 2127 Campus Drive
Oct. 27“Duke Undergraduates: What every TA ought to know”
 Effective teachers understand their students. Come learn the basics about Duke undergraduates.
Speaker:Dr. Lee Willard, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Planning, Arts & Sciences & Trinity College
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Time:12:00-1:30pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by Oct. 21.
Nov. 17“Designing Rubrics for Teaching, Grading, and Assessment
Speaker:Deandra Little, Ph.D.; Associate Professor/Faculty Consultant, Teaching Resource Center
 University of Virginia
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Time:12:00-1:30pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by Nov. 10.


Spring 2010

Jan. 19:“Flexible Learning Spaces at Duke: The Link”
 Tour Duke’s new “flexible learning” space and consider new strategies to enhance student learning. 
Speaker:Dr. Hugh Crumley, Instructional Technology Specialist, Duke Graduate School/CIT
Location:Perkins Library, The Link (classroom tba)
Time:12:00-1:30pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by Jan. 14.
Feb. 8“Learning Style Inventories and What We Know about Duke Undergraduates”
 There are several learning style inventories; learn about them and recent research with Duke students.
Speaker:Donna Hall, Director, Duke Academic Resource Center 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Feb. 23“Designing an Electronic Teaching Portfolio”
 Most faculty will document their teaching and student learning in an electronic portfolio – start now.
Speaker:Dr. Hugh Crumley, Instructional Technology Specialist, Graduate School/CIT
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Time:12:00-1:30pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by Feb. 17.
March 1“From Teaching to Learning-Centric: A New Pedagogical Model for College Teaching”
 Learn about the “EDU-K” pedagogy of learning [Experiment, Discover, Uncover (principles) leads to new Knowledge] developed and used successfully in engineering of biology and other STEM disciplines.
Speaker:Dr. David Needham, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Assoc. Professor, Pratt School of Engineering 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Time:12:00-1:30pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by Feb. 22.
March 16“The Art of Interviewing: Using Acting Techniques in Job Interviews”
 Learn interview techniques used by professional actors to better your chances at getting a job after completion.
Speaker:Dr. Gregory Justice, Associate Professor, Dept. of Theatre Arts, Virginia Tech 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Time:12:00-2:00pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by March 10. 
March 30“Strategies to Teach Large Enrollment Classes Successfully”
 Teaching large enrollment classes well is challenging. Learn strategies that ensure success.
Speaker:Michael Palmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor/Faculty Consultant, Teaching Resource Center, U. of Virginia
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Time:12:00-1:30pm, *Boxed lunch and beverage provided; RSVP by March 24.