Free Registration to Professional Development Virtual Conference
Interested in exploring career options beyond the academy? The Graduate School is sponsoring 25 registrations for current students to attend the Beyond the Professoriate online conference on May 2 and May 9 (registration is normally $39 for two days). If you can commit to attending both dates online, reserve your space now. Duke-sponsored registration closes April 29 at 4:00 p.m.
This conference is designed for graduate students and recent PhDs from STEM, Social Sciences, and Humanities disciplines. During this two-day series of webinars, you will hear from PhDs who have successfully made the transition, and learn job search strategies from career education professionals.Participants will join the conference online (or over the phone). After the scheduled presentations, there will be time for questions and discussion. Register for more information about how to connect to the conference through social media!


Darren Mueller, Ph.D.
Darren received his PhD in musicology from Duke University in 2015. He is currently visiting faculty at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts where he teaches music history.