Open To

Duke Graduate School students

To enhance The Graduate School’s ability to provide students with a meaningful, relevant, and inspiring education, the Dean reviews student requests for financial support towards events or programs coordinated by students enrolled in The Graduate School. Due to limited availability of resources and the need to ensure fair and reasonable support distribution, each graduate program can be approved for a maximum of one request per academic year. Summer requests will be included as part of the previous academic year. Please review the request expectations and complete the form within 30 days of the event.


Events and activities for which the dean will consider providing financial support include, but are not limited to those that:

  • Concentrate on diversity and inclusion
  • Attend to needs of Duke and/or the local community
  • Promote awareness of other cultures
  • Focus on cross-campus collaboration

Events and activities for which the dean will not provide financial support include, but are not limited to those that:

  • Discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation
  • Promote political partisanship or lobbying efforts
  • Subsidize University administrative and/or research services
  • Provide financial benefit to groups or individuals

If you have any questions, please email with “The Dean’s Financial Support” in the subject line.

To Apply

Complete the application form (Word) and email it to at least one month before the planned event.
