Have a financial aid question?
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to most financial aid questions.
If you'd like to speak with one of our financial aid staff, email is generally the best way to reach us to get your questions answered. Current students can also request a virtual appointment to speak with a member of the financial aid team.
For questions related to payroll, we recommend you reach out directly to Corporate Payroll Services. For questions related to taxes of Ph.D. stipends, you can also reach out to Corporate Payroll Services or to a tax professional.
Prospective Students
Prospective Graduate School or Pratt School of Engineering students can reach the financial aid team by emailing grad-finaid@duke.edu, or by using the form below.
NOTE: If you are not a prospective student for The Graduate School or Pratt School of Engineering, please follow this link for contact information.
Just select "Financial Support" on the Topic dropdown.
Current Students
Current students can reach the financial aid team by emailing grad-finaid@duke.edu, or using the contact form.
NOTE: This feature is for students at The Graduate School and Pratt School of Engineering ONLY; please reach out to your school's FA Office if you are not a current student in either of those two; you may find their contact information here.
To request a virtual meeting with the Financial Aid Office, please use the form below (Duke NetID sign in to your Microsoft account is required).