Tools to Support Graduate Student Mental Health (Spring '25 Session)
Yan Li, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs & Panelists
After the success of last fall's development session, The Graduate School is offering a second session on this topic.
In 2018, Inside Higher Ed cited research that graduate students “are more than six times as likely” as the general population to develop a mental health disorder. If you are a PhD advisor, graduate student mentor, or simply a faculty member who cares about grad students, you already know that supporting graduate student mental health is a critical issue.
We invite you to join us for a virtual session on this topic led by three experts and moderated by Dean of the Graduate School Suzanne Barbour, Ph.D. Panelists include:
- Yan Li, Psy.D., Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
- Additional panelists to be announced soon
The panel will address some of the most common challenges that mentors encounter in relation to grad student mental health, provide time for you to ask questions, and offer some resources and actionable takeaways.
Pre-registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Registration will remain open until the start of the event.