RCR Forum: Expand your Toolbox for International Research (GS717.16)
In this workshop, International and Area Studies librarians will lead participants in a discussion of best practices for locating legitimate international and foreign-language sources beyond those already offered by Duke University Libraries. We will explore major online resources in European, African, and Latin American Studies that can diversify your evidence base for humanities and social science projects and help you assess the need for a research trip abroad. We will cover tools for gathering information from region-specific Union Catalogs, Specialized Bibliographies, Repositories for Dissertations and Open Educational Resources, as well as Digital Libraries and Archives, and address the ethics of using and crediting creators and providers of open content. We will also discuss copyright, open access, and fair use considerations in ethically reproducing online and scanned materials in your research publications.
Heidi Madden: Western European Studies
Diego Godoy: Latin American & Iberian Studies
Heather Martin: African & African American Studies
Haley Walton: Education & Open Scholarship
Erik Zitser: Slavic, Eurasian & Eastern European Studies
Mike McArthur: Duke Law Library
Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)