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RCR Forum: Digital Humanities Research: Topic Modeling and Document Classification (GS717.09)

A graphic for the "RCR Forum: Digital Humanities Research: Topic Modeling and Document Classification (GS717.09)" event on March 28, 2023.

This workshop will equip students with a general understanding of topic modeling and document classification techniques for research. To facilitate a hands-on approach with a focus on process, we'll use the Orange data analysis platform and the open-source MALLET toolkit to explore ways of characterizing or sorting large corpora. Participants will learn what topic modeling can (and can't) reveal about a body of texts, how to interpret the results of topic modeling or document classification, and how to apply such techniques to their own research. 

More information: Will Shaw


Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)