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Industry Site Visit to Tellus Therapeutics for Ph.D. Students and Postdocs

Enhancing Local Industry Transitions through Exposure

The multi-institutional site visit program known as Enhancing Local Industry Transitions through Exposure (ELITE) works with leading RTP life-science companies to connect industry researchers with trainees from NIEHS, Duke, UNC, and other local schools.

Tellus Therapeutics was founded in 2018 and is translating breakthrough science spun out of Dr. Eric Benner’s laboratory at Duke University that identified compounds found in breast milk that promote myelination. Myelin is a fundamental component of the developing and mature nervous system, and changes in myelination is the basis for many neurological disorders. Tellus’ lead compound, TT-20, is being developed to repair white matter injury (WMI), an injury that is characterized by a reduction in myelin development in the brain. Tellus Therapeutics is pioneering development and regulatory pathways for neonatal drug development. In addition to TT-20 for WMI, compounds targeting other indications in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are being pursued through the Tellus Therapeutics pipeline program.

What will you learn?

  • Learn about Discovery Research, Process Development and Technology, Bioanalytics, Project Management, Global Product Safety, and Regulatory Strategy.
  • Meet with a panel of employees to learn about working at a startup in industry and the process of creating a startup
  • Tour the Tellus Therapeutics laboratories
  • Practice networking and build industry relationships.

Space is limited to 7 Duke trainees, so Ph.D. students and postdocs interested in the site visit must apply as described below.

How to Apply: Email a 1-page cover letter to by 12:00 pm on Monday, March 3. Write the cover letter as if you were applying for a job or internship with this company:

  • Why your experience, skills, and/or career goals make you a good fit for the company.
  • What makes you stand out as a candidate, using specific examples of academic and research accomplishments and soft skills (eg, leadership, teamwork).
  • Show your knowledge of the company's mission and goals, and how you can contribute to their research.

Note that you are NOT applying for an actual job/internship. This is an opportunity for you to practice your cover letter writing skills; applicants will be chosen based on their fit with the company as determined by the cover letter.  Applicants will be notified by noon on Tuesday, March 4 of their acceptance status. If selected, you must attend a 30-minute prep meeting on Wednesday, March 5, at 11:00 am.

This site visit is open to Ph.D. students and postdocs at Duke, NIEHS, and UNC.

Apply by March 3, 12:00 pm

Additional Location Information

Attendees must provide their own transportation and are encouraged to carpool.


Careers Beyond Academia, Communication, Professional Adaptability, Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity