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How to Manage Stress, Rejection & the Haters in Your Midst

A graphic for the "How to Manage Stress, Rejection & the Haters in Your Midst" event on November 10.
  • Are you stressed?
  • Do you feel devastated when your articles and/or grant proposals get rejected?
  • Is the pressure of publishing/funding your work making you sick?

If any of this sounds familiar and you have difficulty managing the negative energy and rejection in your environment, please join us to learn:

  • The impact that stress and negativity can have if they are not managed
  • Identify the most common areas of stress in academic life
  • Concrete strategies for managing the physical, emotional, and attitudinal effects of stress

Duke graduate students can access this event sponsored by the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity through Duke's institutional membership. Find information about how to claim your Duke membership to NCFDD here.


Professional Development, Self Awareness