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How to Ace Your Non-Academic Interview: A Webinar for Ph.D. Students


Beyond the Professoriate

How to ace your non-academic interview

You’ve submitted job applications and are now waiting to hear back about interviews; perhaps you’re wondering what to expect. What kinds of questions will be asked? How should you prepare for a phone screen or virtual interview?

This webinar is designed for doctoral students, Ph.D.s, and postdocs from all academic disciplines who are wondering

  • How do I prepare for non-academic interviews?
  • What types of questions can I expect to be asked?
  • What is the best way to stand out as a candidate during interviews?

Duke graduate students can attend this workshop for free, including access to replays of events when available, through The Graduate School's subscription to Beyond the Professoriate. Advance registration is required. 


Beyond subscription, Careers Beyond Academia, Communication, Professional Adaptability, Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity