Photos and Videos: Hooding Ceremonies for 2019-20 and 2020-21 Ph.D. Graduates
The Graduate School held hooding ceremonies on September 25 at Duke Chapel to celebrate its Ph.D. graduates from the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years, who did not have hooding ceremonies at the time of their graduation due to pandemic restrictions.

The school held one ceremony for its graduates in the humanities and social sciences, and another for graduates in the biological and biomedical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. A total of 164 graduates attended, along with several hundred guests.
In her welcome remarks, Graduate School Dean Paula D. McClain told the attendees, "The Graduate School turns 95 this year, and it has trained more than 35,000 students. It is safe to say that of those 35,000, the Ph.D. graduates from the last two years are unique in the challenges that they had to overcome while completing the last leg of their marathon through graduate school and launching the next stage of their lives and careers."
See the hooding ceremony program (PDF) for a complete list of the 775 Ph.D. graduates from the last two years, along with information about their dissertations and advisers.
View the pictures on the gallery page.
Note: More photos, including hooding pictures for each graduate, will be available soon. Graduates will receive a link to view and download the photos.
Recordings of the two ceremonies
Humanities and Social Sciences
Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering