Teaching Triangles
Tuesday, September 10, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Perkins 217
If you are teaching or (instructional) TAing this fall, this is a one-time, 90-minute meeting to prepare you to do and receive teaching observations and to connect you with other graduate students who need to fulfill this requirement as a peer observer with you. Read more about Teaching Triangles here. If you are teaching in a later term (like next spring), this orientation will be held again in late fall (and again every term, actually.)
Flipping your classroom
Monday, September 16, 12:00—1:30 p.m.
Perkins 217
Barbi Honeycutt, Director of Graduate Professional Development and Teaching Programs, The Graduate School; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership, Policy and Adult and Higher Education; and founder of Flip It Consulting, LLC.
Most learning environments are structured around the person doing the talking. The energy and focus are directed towards the person at the front of the room. In this type of environment, the instructor starts planning by asking the question, “What am I going to talk about?” But in a flipped environment, this structure is reversed. The participants are the focus. In this type of environment, the instructor starts planning by asking the question, “What do the participants need to do?” This fundamental shift in the question changes the whole dynamic of the learning environment. In this session, the FLIP means to “Focus on your Learners by Involving them in the Process.”
Effective use of Clickers
Thursday, September 26, 10:00—11:00 a.m. and 12:00—2:00 p.m.
Perkins 217
Dr Stephanie V. Chasteen; Science Education Consultant, http://sciencegeekgirl.com; Outreach Director, Science Education Initiative at the University of Colorado
**Note this session has two parts in the same day; please plan to attend both.**
1. Introduction to Peer Instruction with Clickers (10:00—11:00 a.m.)
Why use clickers? What is the research behind it? In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore using clickers in a to promote student engagement and deep learning. We will focus on the use of “peer instruction” – the practice of requiring students to discuss their answers to challenging questions with one another.
2. Writing Questions and Effective Facilitation for Clickers (12:00—2:00 p.m.)
Questioning is a central part of assessment and quizzing, but it can also be a powerful learning tool. In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore research-based tips and ideas for achieving the full benefit of questioning. Effective use of clickers will be discussed as a means to achieve student engagement and deep learning. We will also talk about different types of questions for different parts of the learning cycle, as well as the surprising power of multiple-choice questions to achieve critical thinking skills.
Preventing Plagiarism in Online Courses
Monday, Nov 11, 2013, 12:00 - 1:30
Perkins Library 217
Dr Cary Moskovitz, Director, Writing in the Disciplines Thompson Writing Program
Plagiarism has long been a problem for instructors who give writing assignments. The issue is important for online instruction too. Yet there are ways to reduce plagiarism that also make the writing experience better for both students and instructors. Delicious pizza shall be served.
Flipping the Classroom: Perspectives from Duke Faculty
Thursday, January 23, 3:00—4:30 p.m., Location TBA
Center for Instructional Technology
Bring your questions for a panel of Duke faculty who have flipped their classes. We expect a lively discussion, sharing ideas for effective course design, class activities, engagement and assessment. We will provide resources on flipped classrooms for attendees after the session.
The Art of Teaching: Acting Techniques in the Teaching/Learning Process
Monday, February 3, 12:00—2:00 p.m., Perkins 217
Dr Gregory Justice, Associate Professor of Theatre Arts, Virginia Tech
Public speaking is America’s #1 public fear; learn strategies from theatre professionals to improve teaching and/or presentation skills. Delicious pizza shall be served to registrants.
Writing Good Multiple Choice Questions
Thursday, February 6, 3:00—4:30 p.m., Location TBA
Center for Instructional Technology
We’ll identify common issues with multiple choice questions, provide examples of multiple choice questions that address critical thinking, consider analytics for multiple choice questions and address your concerns.
Course Design 101: Creating a learning-centered course and syllabus
Monday, February 24, 11:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m., Perkins 217
Dr Douglas James, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
The 21st century is focused on ‘innovative’ college teaching methods, and new faculty are expected not only to use these to teach well in traditional, hybrid and online formats, but also to educate a more diverse audience of college students. How do you choose? Successful teachers create courses and syllabi that address four underlying aspects of course design (4 L’s): learners, learning objectives, learning activities, and learning assessment. Bring your course idea or draft syllabus to this workshop designed to help you choose appropriate teaching methods that enhance student learning and match institutional contexts. Delicious pizza shall be served to registrants.
Introduction to Team-Based Learning
Thursday, March 6, 3:00—4:30 p.m., Location TBA
Center for Instructional Technology
Team-based Learning is a comprehensive group-based instructional strategy implemented by faculty across Duke and by thousands of faculty in 23 different countries. TBL is the basis for TeamLEAD, Duke’s successful curriculum at Duke-NUS. This session is for those new to TBL; we will engage in TBL activities to demonstrate how this technique works in a classroom. Participants are required to read this handout before attending this session.
Games for Learning
Thursday, March 20, 3:00—4:30 p.m., Location TBA
Center for Instructional Technology
Adding games to a course gives students the chance to 'live' out scenarios they are studying, plus they promote collaboration, exploration, and problem-solving. Join us in a discussion of what types of games are currently being used at Duke and other institutions, what research shows about gaming and learning, and whether games are useful or not for your discipline.
Developing your Teaching Statement & Online Portfolio
Monday, March 24, 12:00—1:30 p.m., Perkins 217
Dr Hugh Crumley, Director, Certificate in College Teaching, Duke University
In this workshop, you will examine how to write a teaching statement as a set of claims and how to provide evidence to support them. We will also look at how to develop a this statement & evidence into a professional online presence in form of a teaching portfolio. Bring your laptop. Delicious pizza shall be served to registrants.
Active Learning for Online Teaching
Thursday, April 3, 3:00—4:30 p.m., Location TBA
Center for Instructional Technology
Active learning is a powerful instructional approach that facilitates a learning experience that is both meaningful and reflective for students. However, implementing active learning in the online environment can be challenging. Join CIT and a Duke faculty panel as we share examples of effective active learning strategies that promote student engagement and learning outcomes.
Mobile Devices and Learning
Thursday, April 17, 3:00—4:30 p.m., Location TBA
Center for Instructional Technology
We will look at the fundamentals of using mobile devices for teaching.