Fall 2008

Sept. 8“TA Survival Skills”
Speakers:Panel of Duke Graduate Students and Staff
 Chad Eggleston (Rlgn), Erin Lamb (English), Others TBD
 Dr. Doug James, Dr. Hugh Crumley
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Sept. 23“Flexible Learning Spaces at Duke: The Link”
Speaker:Dr. Hugh Crumley, Instructional Technology Specialist, Duke Graduate School/CIT
Location:Meet in The Link, Perkins Library basement
Oct. 7“Duke Undergraduates: What every TA ought to know”
Speaker:Dr. Lee Willard, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Planning, Arts & Sciences & Trinity College
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Oct. 20“Academic Skills and Campus Resources for Duke Undergraduates”
Speaker:Donna Hall, Director, Duke Academic Resource Center 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Nov. 7"Evaluating Critical Thinking: What every instructor needs to know"
Speaker:Dr. Ed Neal, Former Director of Faculty Development, UNC Center for Teaching & Learning; Editor, Journal of Faculty Development
Location:Bryan Center, Von Canon C
Nov. 18“Fostering Teaching Improvement in a Research University”
Speakers:Panel of Duke faculty who coordinate disciplinary Certificate in Teaching programs
 Biology – Dr. Alyssa Perz-Edwards
 History – Dr. John Thompson
 Mathematics- Dr. Jack Bookman
 Romance Studies – Dr. Liliana Paredes 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217


Spring 2009

Jan. 27:“The Art of Teaching: Using Acting Techniques in the Teaching/Learning Process”
Speaker:Dr. Gregory Justice, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Theatre Arts, Virginia Tech 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Feb. 10“Responding Efficiently and Effectively to Student Writing Assignments”
Speaker:Dr. Cary Moskovitz, Director, Writing in the Disciplines, Duke Writing Program
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
Feb. 27“Designing an Electronic Teaching Portfolio”
Speaker:Dr. Hugh Crumley, Instructional Technology Specialist, Graduate School/CIT
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
March 17“Mentoring Undergraduates in Research in and beyond the Classroom”
Speaker:Dr. Mary Nijhout, Associate Dean &Director, Undergraduate Research Support Ofc. 
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217
April 3"Elon’s Teacher-Scholars: Teaching Tips from the Liberal Arts Classroom”
Speaker:Dr. Peter Felten, Director, Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning, ElonUniversity
Location:Perkins Library, Meeting Room 217