The table below shows who’s paying for what during your Ph.D. studies at Duke. Use this information to help you plan your budget during graduate school. You should check with your Ph.D. program’s director of graduate studies about stipend support and coverage of tuition and fees for year 6 and beyond, as that varies across programs.

Note: This table lists 8 years because that is the maximum time period for finishing your Ph.D. Check your program’s time to degree for more specific information on how long it might take to complete your degree.

Year of StudyStipendTuitionMandatory feesHealth and dental insurance premiums
1stTGS*^TGS / external fellowshipTGS / external fellowshipTGS
2ndTGS*^TGS / external fellowshipTGS / external fellowshipTGS
3rdTGS*TGS / external fellowshipTGS / external fellowshipTGS
4thTGS*TGS / external fellowshipTGS / external fellowshipTGS
5thTGS*TGS / external fellowshipTGS / external fellowshipTGS
6thExternal fellowship / department funding / other incomeExternal fellowship / department funding / studentExternal fellowship / department funding / studentTGS
7thExternal fellowship / department funding / other incomeExternal fellowship / department funding / studentExternal fellowship / department funding / studentExternal fellowship / department funding / student
8thExternal fellowship / department funding / other incomeExternal fellowship / department funding / studentExternal fellowship / department funding / studentExternal fellowship / department funding / student

TGS = The Graduate School, in partnership with other schools at Duke

* - Although the funding commitment remains the same, program stipend resources vary across schools. Please discuss funding details with your graduate program leadership.

^ - Some students recieve a combinations of academic year departmental stipends and Summer Research Fellowships from The Graduate School. Please review the 12-Month Ph.D. Funding webpage and discuss funding details with your graduate program.

Current tuition, fees, and stipends

Cost of health and dental insurance premiums