Students supported on institutionally funded fellowships or assistantships are discouraged from seeking outside employment. It is the policy of The Graduate School that full-time students may not work for more than 19.9 hours per week in non-dissertation-related research appointments, teaching assistantships or other instructional positions, or other employment (both on and off campus).
Payment of graduate student scholarship, fellowship, and assistantship support are subject to the following policies:
- Registration policy: Students must be registered in The Graduate School in order to receive fellowship or assistantship support.
- Satisfactory academic progress (see Chapter 9, section G of DGS manual)
- Payment of bursar accounts for fall, and spring, and summer
- Refunds for withdrawal from school during fall and spring semesters
Tuition and fee scholarships and health-insurance payments are generally posted directly to a student’s bursar account by the Graduate School Office of Budgets and Finance. Fellowship stipends are paid on the last business day of each month. Teaching and research assistantship salaries are paid on the 25th of each month. Paychecks for both fellowships and assistantships are sent to students’ departments for distribution. Students may also elect to receive payment through direct deposit.
In their first year, Ph.D. students entering in the fall will receive their stipend in equal monthly installments starting at the end of August. In subsequent academic years, students get their first stipend payment at the end of September. This means the annual stipend is split over an extra month in the first year than in subsequent years. This is done to allow incoming students to start getting their stipend a month earlier so that they have funds on hand to help with expenses associated with relocating to Durham.
Visit our Tax Information for Graduate Students page.