What Can I Do with My Ph.D.?

How can PhDs build meaningful and impactful careers after their degree or postdoc? Now more than ever, PhDs work in a variety of career fields, leveraging their education and training wherever smart people are needed. But how exactly do PhDs successfully job search? What are the proven strategies you can apply to successfully build your career?
As a Duke graduate student or postdoc, you have access to the PhD career training platform Beyond the Professoriate, a one-of-a kind resource where you can explore career options and learn how to job search in academia and beyond. Through self-paced courses and live webinars in the training platform, you’ll learn how to launch a successful job search. Duke's pilot subscription to Beyond the Professoriate is sponsored by The Graduate School.
After attending this presentation, you'll be able to:
- Describe the challenges PhDs face in their job search
- Identify the resources in Beyond the Professoriate that can help you
- Apply tips and strategies to confidently begin your career exploration and job search in academia or beyond
This event is part of The Graduate School's Professional Development Series.
Beyond subscription, Core Competencies, Professional Adaptability, Professional Development, Resources