Spring 2023 Teaching Triangles

This (in-person only) workshop is for graduate student instructors who are teaching or TAing a class in Spring 2023 and would like to participate in peer teaching observation and feedback. Completion of Teaching Triangles during a semester in which you are an instructor or TA can fulfill the teaching & observation requirement of the Certificate in College Teaching. A Teaching Triangle consists of three instructors who:
- Complete a training orientation in peer teaching observation practices (Teaching Triangles Orientation)
- Observe at least one class taught by each triangle partner as well as be observed once by each partner
- Reflect on the class observation experience
- Share observations & reflections with partners
The steps listed above are spread over a single semester and completed well before finals begin. Participating in Teaching Triangles is not a time-intensive commitment and should not have a negative effect on your research, dissertation or time to graduation. Note that Teaching Triangles is run every semester; this registration is only for those teaching Spring term 2023.
I am teaching online this term-- will my experience count toward the CCT requirement?
Yes, as long as you have an instructional role regularly throughout the term, such as leading a section, leading a lab or otherwise acting as the primary facilitator of instruction for at least four class sessions during the term. This means engagement beyond (only) office hours, grading or administrative tasks. If your online teaching or instructional TAing is asynchronous, you’d need to be involved in the design and delivery of the instruction beyond (only) office hours, grading, moderating forums or administrative tasks. This could include materials development, making instructional videos or other content creation.
In either case, if you are TAing, the professor of the class will need to confirm your role with the teaching experience form. You will need to submit this in few weeks; just look it over now.
Certificate in College Teaching (CCT), Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Professional Development, Teaching and Mentoring