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Skills for Disagreeing Better


Dr. Gretchen Schieber, Braver Angels; Randy Lioz, Depolarizing Organizational Cultures

In this polarized time, we lack basic understanding of why people on the other political side hold their beliefs. We don’t see them as they see themselves – their core values and central concerns – but instead as we choose to see them. We are tempted to regard our own side as principled and the other side as self-interested.

When we try to communicate across this gap, we often lack the skills for listening carefully, looking for common ground, and sharing our perspectives in ways that connect rather than create more misunderstanding. We can learn to disagree better in polarized times, which means accurately seeing where we differ and where we share common ground.

Braver Angel Ambassadors will lead and moderate this workshop. Their goal is to spread the message of depolarization by connecting with local community groups.

Duke graduate students can access this Association for Women in Science event for free through Duke's institutional membership, sponsored by the Office of Faculty Advancement. Find information about how to claim your Duke membership to AWIS here.


Communication, Professional Development, Self Awareness