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RCR Forum: Understanding Open Scholarship: Concepts and Applications from Open Access to Citizen Science (GS717.24)

A graphic for the "RCR Forum: Understanding Open Scholarship: Concepts and Applications from Open Access to Citizen Science (GS717.24)" event on October 26.

“Openness” has, in the past two decades, become a ubiquitous term in academe. From open access to open educational resources, it is essential for today’s scholars to have an understanding of openness writ large in scholarship, pedagogy, and scientific practice. The broad-ranging nature of “open” as a concept, however, makes a challenge of defining and navigating its nuances. This workshop provides a comprehensive primer on the many aspects of openness, including historical context and current trends. A small session; discussion will be encouraged.


  • Open source software
  • Open access to scholarly literature
  • Open content licensing
  • Open data
  • Open science/citizen science

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss your understanding of openness vis a vis the general definition and concepts.
  • Discover the roots of openness in scholarship from open source software to the movement to make scientific research accessible and comprehensible to the layman.
  • Explore current best practices relevant to openness in scholarship.
  • Challenge you to consider the norms of openness in your discipline.

Bring a laptop and your current understanding of “open” in your field for a participatory RCR workshop!

More information: Haley Walton <> 


Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)