RCR Forum: Tools for Data Management (GS714.07)
This workshop will first introduce data management practices for researchers to consider and apply throughout the research lifecycle. Good data management practices pertaining to planning, organization, documentation, storage and backup, sharing, citation, and preservation will be presented using examples that span disciplines. The second hour of this workshop will offer a mini “tour” of research data management tools including GitHub, LabArchives, and OSF and provide a framework for considering how to assess data management tools for future adoption. This event is open to non-Duke participants.
The content of the workshop may be recorded. If you are uncomfortable with a recording being published, please contact the instructor at any time prior to the conclusion of the workshop.
Related LibGuide: Research Data Management by Jen Darragh
Contact: jennifer.darragh@duke.edu
Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)