RCR Forum: Celebrating Human Difference in Scholarship (GS715.03)
Have you considered looking critically at whose work you are citing, and whose work you are not citing? People are made of multiple identities, some visible, some invisible, some fixed, some changeable, all of which influence how we perceive the world and therefore how we approach, conduct, and analyze research. This forum will give participants the tools to expand their awareness of and celebrate the contributions of scholars in their discipline who (a) have an identity different than their own, (b) are from a historically underrepresented identity for their field, or (c) research and publish content critiquing or forwarding issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their field.
Duke staff and faculty from Psychology and Neuroscience (Minna Ng), Environmental Science and Policy (Nicki Cagle, Char Clark, Danielle Wiggins), and Romance Studies (Sandra Valnes Quammen) will present this interactive forum. Attendees will have the opportunity to apply for mini-grants to further pursue this work. Food will be served after the event!
Contact: Char Clark cclark@duke.edu
Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)