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RCR Forum: Bias, Microaggression & Imposter Phenomenon (GS715.02)

In this workshop, we will discuss unconscious bias, its relationship to microaggression and how the two contribute to development of imposter phenomenon (sometimes called imposter syndrome). We will also discuss strategies to combat imposter phenomenon and support individuals who manifest it, as well as our responsibility to cultivate a workplace culture that reduces the incidence of imposter phenomenon.

Suzanne Barbour

Suzanne Barbour, Ph.D.
Dean of The Graduate School
Vice Provost for Graduate Education

Note that graduate students will receive RCR credit (GS715.02) for attendance of the entire event; attendance is recorded via Zoom logs. For RCR credit, verify that you are logged in to your Duke Zoom account for the event (and not logged in with another account such as Gmail.) You will receive the Zoom link after registration. 

For more information, contact Hugh Crumley [].

RCR Forum: Bias, Microaggressions & Imposter Phenomena


Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)