RCR Forum: Applying a Project Management Mindset to your Academic Life (GS717.14)
The skills of project management are valuable skills for academics at any stage in their career and for a range of activities. This workshop, appealing to graduate students across disciplines, provides a gentle introduction and overview to key principles and concepts in project management and how they can be applied effectively in academic work. Activities and discussions will enable participants to begin formulating their own strategies for project management and help them build a toolkit of ideas and approaches that they can use in their academic life.
Format: This two-hour, in-person workshop will actively engage discussion around students’ specific project management concerns and provide hands-on activities for applying concepts to one’s own project. Attendance per session is capped at 15 students, and participants will be asked to share their specific interests and needs ahead of time, to help ensure that presentation examples and discussion points are sufficiently relevant.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will understand how project management principles can be applied to academic work; appreciate the value of project planning (especially communication) for managing their academic work; and learn strategies for defining & managing academic projects. Specifically, they will:
- Recognize how time, resources, and goals interact to form and influence the project scope.
- Identify factors to consider when managing time spent on projects.
- Appreciate the role of communication in managing project resources (e.g., people and time).
- Identify different forms and purposes of communication for ensuring positive project outcomes, especially considerations for digital communication.
Event Organizer
Liz Milewicz
Co-Director, ScholarWorks: A Center for Scholarly Publishing at Duke University Libraries; and Head, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services at Duke University Libraries. Contact me for questions related to planning and managing projects (askdigital@duke.edu).
Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)