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Demystifying the Academic Job Market

The academic job market is highly competitive, and you want to stand out as a candidate. By attending this workshop, you’ll gain the insights and knowledge you need to prepare application documents that will highlight your potential as a scholar in your field. 

This virtual workshop is designed for doctoral students, PhDs, and postdocs from all academic disciplines who are wondering:

  • What are the major stages of an academic job search, and when do they happen?
  • What are faculty search committees looking for in a candidate?
  • What documents do I need to write to prepare to go on the market?
  • How do I navigate interviews during the academic job search process?

This webinar is part of the Professional Development Series and is available to students through The Graduate School's subscription to Beyond the Professoriate.


Academic Job Search Series, Beyond subscription, Communication, Professional Development, Professionalism and Scholarly Integrity