Milestone Examination Committees

In consultation with a student and their major advisor, the program or department’s director of graduate studies recommends an examining committee for approval by the academic dean of The Graduate School. Membership for service on a student milestone committee requires a degree that is at least the same level for which the student is a degree candidate (e.g., a master’s degree for a master’s committee). Other criteria for milestone committees are as follows:

Building Your Committee

  • Only members of The Graduate Faculty may serve on milestone committees. For a current listing, please review The Graduate Faculty Directory page on our website.
  • There must be at least four members of the Duke Graduate Faculty on preliminary and dissertation exams (three for master’s exams).
  • The majority of the committee must be Duke faculty. 
  • There must be at least two committee members from the degree-granting program.
  • There must be a total of three members from the student’s primary research field/area (two for master’s).
  • Each exam committee must include a Minor Area Representative (MAR) and a MAR justification.
    • A Minor Area Representative (MAR) is a committee member whose research or scholarly area is relevant to but distinct from the topic of the student’s research.
    • It is acceptable for the MAR to come from the same program as the student.
  • There can be more than the required number of members on committees. Keep in mind, however, that more than one fail vote will mean a failed exam.
  • The chair must be a full member of The Graduate Faculty from the degree-granting program.
    • The chair can have a secondary appointment in the degree-granting program in some cases.

Submitting Your Committee

Committees must be approved by the academic dean at least thirty (30) days prior to any exam. Work with your department/program’s DGSA to submit your committee to The Graduate School. To make any changes to an approved committee, a new committee must be submitted for review before the corresponding milestone.

If a student’s Ph.D. final examination (Dissertation Defense) committee is exactly the same as the preliminary exam committee, the student or DGSA may email with the student’s name and student ID number, confirming that the student’s Ph.D. final examination committee is the same as their preliminary committee.  TGS will verify that the preliminary exam committee remains valid for the dissertation defense.

Applying to Graduate

Ph.D. and master’s students are required to apply for graduation in DukeHub by the established application deadline for the semester in which they plan to graduate (see Graduation Deadlines section below).  If a student must delay graduation to a future semester, the student should contact the Graduate School Registrar ( to cancel the existing application and have the expected graduation semester reset in DukeHub. The student then returns to DukeHub to submit a new application for graduation in the revised semester.

Graduate degree candidates follow a special set of instructions to submit their applications for graduation in DukeHub.  The generic instructions posted on The University Registrar's website will not work for Graduate School students.  Graduate students access their unique DukeHub graduation application by completing the following steps:

  1. Log in to DukeHub.
  2. Navigate to the "Academics" drop-down menu.
  3. Locate "Program/Degree Selection" near the bottom of the list of menu options and select it to open the application for graduation, which will include a list of degree programs for which a student is eligible to apply.

Note: If you require special Latin characters in your name (e.g., accent marks or umlauts), contact Academic Affairs (

Approval from Advisor

Ph.D. candidates and master’s candidates writing a thesis: Before The Graduate School can release your examination certificate, we must receive an advisor letter and a defense announcement via e-mail ( The advisor letter must be sent by your advisor and needs to state that they have read your dissertation or thesis and that it is complete and ready for defense. The defense announcement must be sent by your program’s director of graduate studies assistant.

Graduation Deadlines

Last updated February 7, 2024

(Download as PDF)

Deadline to apply for graduation

June 1, 2025

Log into DukeHub and navigate to Academics. Scroll down to Program/Degree Selection and select it to open the application for graduation, which should include a list of degree programs for which you are eligible to apply.

If you applied to graduate in the previous term but did not graduate, you will need to apply again for the current term.

If you are completing a certificate program, you must apply to graduate for it separately in DukeHub.

Deadline for initial submission of electronic doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis

July 3, 2025

The initial submission must take place at least two weeks before your defense and no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. Note: If you submit your initial dissertation/thesis on the deadline date, you cannot defend until 14 days after that.

Initial submission of the dissertation or thesis means that the document is complete. We will not check the format of an incomplete document.

After you submit your electronic dissertation/master’s thesis to ProQuest, you will receive an email from ProQuest informing you of any formatting problems and providing you a link to request an optional format check meeting with your assigned ETD administrator.

The letter from your advisor confirming that your dissertation is complete and ready to defend, as well as the departmental defense announcement, must be submitted before we can release your final examination certificate.

Final deadline to defend your dissertation or master's thesis

July 18, 2025

Final day to hold the Ph.D. dissertation or Master’s thesis defense to receive the degree.

Deadline for final submission of electronic dissertation or thesis

August 1, 2025

3:00 p.m.: All defended, completed PhD dissertations and master’s theses must be submitted to ProQuest.

5:00 p.m.: All PhD final exam certificates and master’s final exam certificates (both master’s with thesis and non-thesis master’s) must be submitted to The Graduate School.

Note: The departments for all students getting a non-thesis master’s degree (this includes the master’s on the way to the Ph.D.) must submit a Non-Thesis Master’s Examination Certificate, signed by their examining committee and the director of graduate studies, to The Graduate School by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date.

Deadline to apply for graduation

October 1, 2024

Log into DukeHub and navigate to Academics. Scroll down to Program/Degree Selection and select it to open the application for graduation, which should include a list of degree programs for which you are eligible to apply.

If you applied to graduate in the previous term but did not graduate, you will need to apply again for the current term.

If you are completing a certificate program, you must apply to graduate for it separately in DukeHub.

Deadline for initial submission of electronic doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis

November 8, 2024

The initial submission must take place at least two weeks before your defense and no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. Note: If you submit your initial dissertation/thesis on the deadline date, you cannot defend until 14 days after that.

Initial submission of the dissertation or thesis means that the document is complete. We will not check the format of an incomplete document.

After you submit your electronic dissertation/master’s thesis to ProQuest, you will receive an email from ProQuest informing you of any formatting problems and providing you a link to request an optional format check meeting with your assigned ETD administrator.

The letter from your advisor confirming that your dissertation is complete and ready to defend, as well as the departmental defense announcement, must be submitted before we can release your final examination certificate.

Final deadline to defend your dissertation or master's thesis

November 22, 2024

Final day to hold the Ph.D. dissertation or Master’s thesis defense to receive the degree.

Deadline for final submission of electronic dissertation or thesis

December 6, 2024

3:00 p.m.: All defended, completed PhD dissertations and master’s theses must be submitted to ProQuest.

5:00 p.m.: All PhD final exam certificates and master’s final exam certificates (both master’s with thesis and non-thesis master’s) must be submitted to The Graduate School.

Note: The departments for all students getting a non-thesis master’s degree (this includes the master’s on the way to the Ph.D.) must submit a Non-Thesis Master’s Examination Certificate, signed by their examining committee and the director of graduate studies, to The Graduate School by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date.

Deadline to apply for graduation

February 1, 2025

Log into DukeHub and navigate to Academics. Scroll down to Program/Degree Selection and select it to open the application for graduation, which should include a list of degree programs for which you are eligible to apply.

If you applied to graduate in the previous term but did not graduate, you will need to apply again for the current term.

If you are completing a certificate program, you must apply to graduate for it separately in DukeHub.

Deadline for initial submission of electronic doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis

March 19, 2025

The initial submission must take place at least two weeks before your defense and no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. Note: If you submit your initial dissertation/thesis on the deadline date, you cannot defend until 14 days after that.

Initial submission of the dissertation or thesis means that the document is complete. We will not check the format of an incomplete document.

After you submit your electronic dissertation/master’s thesis to ProQuest, you will receive an email from ProQuest informing you of any formatting problems and providing you a link to request an optional format check meeting with your assigned ETD administrator.

The letter from your advisor confirming that your dissertation is complete and ready to defend, as well as the departmental defense announcement, must be submitted before we can release your final examination certificate.

Final deadline to defend your dissertation or master's thesis

April 2, 2025

Final day to hold the Ph.D. dissertation or Master’s thesis defense to receive the degree.

Deadline for final submission of electronic dissertation or thesis

April 16, 2025

3:00 p.m.: All defended, completed PhD dissertations and master’s theses must be submitted to ProQuest.

5:00 p.m.: All PhD final exam certificates and master’s final exam certificates (both master’s with thesis and non-thesis master’s) must be submitted to The Graduate School.

Note: The departments for all students getting a non-thesis master’s degree (this includes the master’s on the way to the Ph.D.) must submit a Non-Thesis Master’s Examination Certificate, signed by their examining committee and the director of graduate studies, to The Graduate School by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date.



For questions about graduation requirements and process:

Office of Academic Affairs
The Graduate School



For information about university-wide commencement activities, visit

For information about The Graduate School's Ph.D. hooding ceremony, visit