DGS and DGSA Onboarding

The Graduate School holds periodic onboarding sessions to familiarize recently appointed directors of graduate studies (DGSs) and director of graduate studies assistants (DGSAs) with key aspects of their work and Graduate School resources. In the welcome message they receive from The Graduate School, new DGSAs are provided a link to sign up for onboarding workshops. TGS partners with academic deans in other units to offer onboarding and other training to DGSs. 

The Graduate School's Office of Financial Aid also offers one-on-one financial support training for new DGSAs to familiarize them with Graduate School policies and train them on how to use the Graduate Student Funding Tool to support their students. The office also provides ongoing training on a variety of financial topics upon request by programs or departments.

Along with gaining access to various administrative systems and communication registries, DGSAs are also invited to a dedicated folder in DukeBox containing other helpful resources, guides, and essential documentation specifically for their role.


Administrative Documents

Finance Documents

Training Guides

More Information

See the Faculty and Staff page for more resources and information.