NOTE: All numbers below require annual approval by the Board of Trustees

Last updated: March 10th, 2025

Ph.D. Students

Students must be registered each fall and spring semester until all degree requirements are completed. In some cases, they may also need to be registered for a summer term (see policy). For each term in which students are registered, they are charged the following tuition and fees. Rates are subject to change each year. Tuition typically increases by no more than 4 percent per academic year.

Generally speaking, The Graduate School covers the tuition and fees for a Ph.D. student’s first five years. After that, students are responsible for tuition and fees, and most students obtain external or departmental funding that helps cover those costs. The Graduate School also covers health insurance for years 1-6 if students choose the Duke student medical insurance plan. Visit our Statistics section to see the typical time to completion for your degree program.

More details on financial support for Ph.D. students

2025-2026 Estimated Cost of Attendance for Ph.D. Students in Years 1-3

Note: Tuition, fees, and health insurance (for the Duke student medical insurance plan) in years 1-3 are generally covered by The Graduate School's financial support package.

 Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 202612 Months
Tuition, Years 1-3$33,862$33,862$4,680$72,404
Health Fee$504$504$350$1,358
Transcript Fee$120  $120
Grad Student Services Fee$13$13 $26
Recreation Fee$195$195 $390
Activity Fee$19$19 $38
Health Insurance$3,565  $3,565
Dental Insurance$339  $339
Total - Tuition/Fees$38,617$34,593$5,030$78,240
Books & Supplies$330$330$330$990
Local Transportation$928$1,160$696$2,784
Personal & Misc$1,944$2,430$1,458$5,832
Total - Living Expense$11,274$14,010$8,538$33,822

Total Cost of Attendance





2025-2026 Estimated Cost of Attendance for Ph.D. Students in Years 4+

Note: The Graduate School's financial support package generally covers tuition and fees for years 4-5, as well as health insurance (for the Duke student medical insurance plan) for years 4-6. Starting in year 6, students are responsible for tuition and fees, and most of our students obtain external or departmental funding to help cover those costs. Duke also provides sixth-year tuition and fees scholarships for students who applied for but did not obtain external or departmental tuition-and-fees support.

 Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 202612 Months
Tuition, Years 4+$4,680$4,680$4,680$14,040
Health Fee$504$504$350$1,358
Grad Student Services Fee$13$13 $26
Recreation Fee (optional)$195$195 $390
Activity Fee$19$19 $38
Health Insurance$3,565  $3,565
Dental Insurance$339  $339
Total - Tuition/Fees$9,120$5,216$5,030$19,366
Books & Supplies$330$330$330$990
Local Transportation$928$1,160$696$2,784
Personal & Misc$1,944$2,430$1,458$5,832
Total - Living Expense$11,274$14,010$8,538$33,822

Total Cost of Attendance






Master's Students

Master's students are required to enroll in and pay tuition for at least three semesters of full-time study. After that, they will be charged per credit (estimated at 3,762.44 per credit). Master's summer tuition will be charged at the per-credit rate up to a maximum of one-half the fall/spring full-time tuition. 

Rates are subject to change each year. Tuition typically increases by no more than 4 percent per academic year.

Information on financial support for master's students

2025–2026 Estimated Cost of Attendance for DOMESTIC Master's Students

 Fall 2025Spring 20269 Months
Health Fee*$504$504$1,008
Transcript Fee$120 $120
Graduate Student Serv. Fee$13$13$26
Recreation Fee$195$195$390
Activity Fee$19$19$38
Health Insurance$3,565 $3,565
Total - Tuition/Fees*$38,278$34,593$72,871
Books & Supplies$330$330$660
Estimated Loan Fees$888$888$1,776
Local Transportation$928$1,160$2,088
Personal & Misc$1,944$2,430$4,374
Total - Living Expense$12,162$14,898$26,624
Per Term$50,440$49,491 

Total Est. COA


2025–2026 ESTIMATED Cost of Attendance for INTERNATIONAL Master's Students

 Fall 2025Spring 20269 Months
Health Fee*$504$504$1,008
Transcript Fee$120 $120
Graduate Student Serv Fee$13$13$26
Recreation Fee$195$195$390
Activity Fee$19$19$38
Health Insurance$3,565 $3,565
Total - Tuition/Fees*$38,278$34,593$72,871
Books & Supplies$330$330$660
Local Transportation$928$1,160$2,088
Personal & Misc$1,944$2,430$4,374
Total - Living Expense$11,274$14,010$24,624
Per Term$49,432$48,603 

Total Est. COA


* – Estimated amounts due to bursar

Exceptions to the cost listed above


Other Cost Information

For all students: Estimated cost for room, food, transportation, personal, and miscellaneous: $2,994 per month

For international students: 

The chart below references funding required for international students to bring a spouse and/or dependent(s) into the United States while enrolled at Duke University Graduate School:



Term Length



Template Name

Graduate School




Ph.D. 12 month

Graduate School



